My Toolkit
Want a brief look at the tools in my kitbag after years of midnight-oil burning?
For years, I’ve been studying, reading, researching, practising and experimenting (mainly in the kitchen) until my eyes boggle, my brain aches and lightbulbs pop all around …like in the ‘toons.

Holistic Health Coaching with Nutrition
Want to transform your health and happiness with better food and life choices?
I’m a Health Coach trained in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s cutting-edge Health Coach Training Programme.
I learned holistic nutrition, healthy lifestyle habits and coaching skills. I discovered over 100 different dietary theories and learned from the world’s top holistic health and nutrition experts including Mark Hyman, Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra, David Wolfe, Joe Cross, David Katz, Natasha Campbell-McBride and more.
So, now I teach and support people to create and keep up food and healthy lifestyle habits.
Holistic Health Coaching for Hormone Health?

Foresight Natural Fertility and Preconception Care
Want to optimise your fertility, get pregnant faster or boost chances of a healthy pregnancy and baby?
Foresight (The Association for Promotion of Pre-Conception Care) has developed principles over 30 years to improve fertility and reduce risks in pregnancy and to children’s health.
The Foresight principles boost health and fertility through better food choices, supplements, changing lifestyle and avoiding toxins.
Foresight for General Health
Want to look better, feel better and have more energy? Who doesn’t!?
Over the years Foresight have used their principles to help people of all ages with a whole range of symptoms and health conditions.

Want holistic, natural, safe support? I am a qualified and insured Homeopath registered with the Society of Homeopaths. I completed my training in 2010 at the Homeopathic College of East Anglia and can supplement my food and lifestyle guidance and coaching with homeopathic remedies to support your health goals. Homeopathy is a holistic medicine which uses specially prepared, highly diluted substances (given mainly in tablet form) with the aim of triggering the body’s own healing. A homeopath prescribes medicines based on a person’s specific set of symptoms, and how they experience them, taking into account their overall level of health.
The Liz Lalor Fertility Programme
I am fully trained in the Liz Lalor Fertility Programme. There are still very few UK practitioners and I feel blessed to have studied with her in London in 2010.
Liz Lalor is a brilliant Australian Homeopath, Naturopath and author who has developed a preconception care programme to support female fertility and reproductive health.
Her programme is absed on good nutrition, lifestyle changes, supplments, herbs and aa specific programme of homeopathic remedies which homeopaths believe work gently together.
The programme begins with a full case-taking followed by specific guidance on food, fertility-supporting supplements, herbs and your own homeopathic programme.

Want to harness the power of plants to support healing?
Phytotherapy is the use of plants or plant extracts for healing. Plants are processed carefully to preserve active ingredients.
I was trained by the A Vogel Institute and use their herbal remedies to benefit you.
I also use some fab herbal products that have been prepared homeopathically i.e. diluted. They are more gentle than herbal medicines. They are known as “homeobotanicals” and were developed by The Herbal Energy Centre in New Zealand.
Not to be confused with Medical Herbalism or Traditional Chinese Medicine/Herbalism. I’m not trained in those.
Hair Mineral Testing
Want to play Health Detective and uncover what might be underlying your symptoms whair I use good Laboratories to test hair samples. Hair samples can show mineral levels, mineral balance and any toxic metals in the body; all of these can affect general and hormonal health and fertility.
I mainly use Foresight’s chosen Lab. That’s because they use different “normal” reference ranges for mineral and toxin levels for general health and fertility. It means the test results are more relevant to your own circumstances and health goals.
Mineral deficiencies can be tackled through diet changes and supplements. You can also address harmful metals in your body through food, supplements and lifestyle choices.

Female Hormone Testing by Saliva Sample
Want to play Health Detective and uncover what might be underlying your symptoms with saliva testing?
The tests measure hormone levels over time to identify any imbalances. Basically, you take saliva samples at different times over a few weeks to send off for analysis.
Common symptoms of hormone issues include PMS, fluid retention, heavy periods, irregular periods, low sex drive, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, infertility, acne, excess body hair, menopausal symptoms.
If the tests show imbalances, you can make health improvements through food choices, supplements and lifestyle changes.
I have access to a reputable UK Lab which offers a whole range of health tests privately. Ask me for more info.
Memberships and Registrations
International Association for Health CoachesUK Health Coaches AssociationRecognised Foresight Preconception Care PractitionerAssociate of the Natural Family Planning Teachers AssociationRegistered with the Society of HomeopathsStudent Member of BANT

Student Natural Family Planning Teacher with Natural Family Planning Teachers Association
Certified Health Coach by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Recognised Natural Fertility & Preconception Care Practitioner with Foresight Preconception Care
Licentiate of the Homeopathic College of East Anglia
Registered Homeopath RSHom by the Society of Homeopaths
On the Accredited Register of the Professional Standards Authority