Get Some Menopause Moxie (Crash Course)


Hot and bothered by horrid hot flushes?

Is the last time you got jiggy with your partner a very dim and distant memory?

Does your mood change more than the weather? The Forecaster could be talking about you when they say “an area of low depression causing dark cloud and rain”

Lost your moxie in this peri/menopause malarkey?

Get yourself Kathy’s 1-1 crash course in super self-care for happier hormones.  You’re worth it!  It’s worth it.

I’ve been there, seen, done it, got the tee shirt.

You’re fuelled by caffeine and Cava as you wearily wend towards the weekend?

Craving carbs, crisps and chocolate … followed by a little ice cream? Despite a groaning waistband.

Your skin is either acne addled or as dry as dust and your hair hangs limp and lifeless?

You tried some stuff, but it hasn’t worked. Or the doc offered you a pill and you’re just not sure it’s the answer.

You kinda know you could be treating yourself better, but you’re knackered. Plate spinning. And your get-up-and-go, got up and left.

You really need someone who will help, support, cheerlead and help keep you on the path to happier, healthier, less hormonal you.

And here I am…

Get Some Menopause Moxie is perfect for you if:-

  • You are ready to make changes to your food and lifestyle choices to boost your health, hormones and happiness.
  • You want to know the details of super self-care and you want guidance tailored just to you.
  • You want an expert to guide you through the changes to keep you on track and offer real support for 3 months.
  • You want something safe alongside your conventional therapies and treatments.

What you’ll get:-

  • A health assessment where you tell me everything relevant to your journey to happier hormones.
  • 1 x 60 minute initial video consultation or phone call to review your assessment so I can provide tailored guidance to you
  • 5 x 45 minute video chats or phone consultations to teach you. These are usually taken over 3 months.
  • Tailored guidance based on your health assessment and any of your own test results.
  • Handouts, cheat sheets, workbooks, recipes, recommendations, references- whichever of my tools works for you.
  • Homeopathic remedies for support – optional.
  • E mail support in between appointments.

Your Investment is £498.   Payment plans available. Pay in 1, 3, 4 or 10 instalments.

It does not include any tests, supplements or tinctures.  You can choose to purchase tests separately.

A hair mineral test would enable me to be even more specific with my guidance. And they are relatively inexpensive.


Still Not Sure?…

If you’d like to make doubly sure this is the package for you, book your free Manage Your Menopause Call here.