This one convo could be the key to progress on your fertility journey.
You’re dreaming of pregnancy and being a Mum, right? You can picture patting your bump and doing everything possible to have a healthy, happy baby.
But for some reason it’s just not happening yet.
You’ve been trying for longer than you care to remember. The thought of it not happening for you is more than you can bear.
Then there’s the pressure on your relationship. And your sex life has become all about baby-making. And only about the baby-making.
You keep asking yourself “why us”?
Maybe you’ve been given a possible reason and you’re crushed and confused? Maybe you’re feeling the frustration of “unexplained” infertility? Maybe you’re planning IVF and determined to stack the long odds in your favour?
And you want to take back control. You aren’t prepared to waste another month just hoping for the best.
But you’re not sure exactly what to do next. To move from sick, tired and stuck to making real progress on your plan.
My Free Fire Up Fertility Calls are perfect for you.
In them we:-
- Create clarity about how to boost fertility naturally.
- Find out the building blocks for maxing your fertility for natural conception or IVF success.
- Discover the number 1 thing stopping you from getting the results you want.
- Complete the call knowing what to do next to progress on your path to parenthood.
- Outline – only if it feels right – how I can help you along your path.
Please be clear, this a call to look at what’s been going on for you and where to focus next.
I can’t tell you how to do it all in these calls.
For one thing, general advice has limited use in specific circumstances.
And I don’t like giving women a couple of the jigsaw pieces and they think they have the full picture. It’s not fair on either of us. It probably won’t work on its own. We’ll both be disappointed.
And if it was as easy as a few quick tips, there wouldn’t be 1 in 7 couples struggling with infertility.