by Kathy | Jul 21, 2016 | Fertility, Recipes
Or HOW TO SHOP, COOK AND STORE FOOD… I’m always banging on about eating a varied diet of nourishing foods to protect and fire up fertility. I know I do. But did you know, that what you buy, how you cook it and how you store it is important too? NO? Well...
by Kathy | Jun 22, 2016 | Fertility, Recipes
“What’s your top foods for fertility, Kathy?” Ooh if I had a Pound/Euro/Dollar for every time I’ve been asked that I’d have a massive pile of coins by now! Of course, I really think that eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods is the key...
by Kathy | Jun 1, 2016 | Hormone Health, Recipes
Want happier hormones? To boost natural fertility. Or maybe the strength of an Inca warrior? Who doesn’t want the strength of an Inca Warrior, eh? Shall I tell you how? So, say hello to MACA powder . What Is Maca? Maca is a root. And it’s an...
by Kathy | May 17, 2016 | Recipes
Mineral deficiency. All too common. But what IS it? Why should YOU care? How would you know if you had one, anyway? What Is A Mineral Deficiency? Minerals are a kind of nutrient. They are needed for the body to work properly. A lack of a certain mineral...
by Kathy | Apr 12, 2016 | Fertility, Hormone Health, Recipes
Guess what just popped into my inbox? No. Not info on my favourite shoe shop’s sale! Delivery date for the parcel I’m waiting for? No. Sadly. Not even the promise of a lot of money from a total stranger in Ghana. It’s this years guide...
by Kathy | Apr 12, 2016 | Fertility, Recipes
or “Your Children Are What You Ate…and Did” You remember that woman on the tellybox, a few years back? She poked people’s poop and gave them new health plans? Yes, Gillian McKeith. She told us “You Are What You Eat”. You don’t...
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