by Kathy | Aug 21, 2016 | Hormone Health, Perimenoupase and Menopause, Weight Management and Cravings
Regular readers will know I hate exercise (find out more in the blog link). It sounds so dull. I prefer “activity”. And I DO move my butt for the benefit of health – physical health and mental and emotional health. I believe that you need to...
by Kathy | Jul 31, 2016 | Perimenoupase and Menopause, Uncategorised
Or How To Have a Better Menopause Mindset. (By Susanne Erricker). Ok, I’m guessing you don’t believe it is possible to feel better about being Menopausal? To have a better menopause mindset? Just in case you think I might not understand, please be assured I...
by Kathy | Jul 25, 2016 | Hormone Health, Perimenoupase and Menopause
Hormones or “Upright Breasts Are Dropping and These Flushes Aren’t For Stopping.” NO, I haven’t dusted off my Literature degree to start writing poetry. This verse is by poet Hazel Connelly. My poetry was never that good. It’s...
by Kathy | Jul 8, 2016 | Perimenoupase and Menopause, Uncategorised
Mother Nature is wonderful. I believe in starting with natural remedies for many health problems, especially the minor ones. My own toolkit and training is based around diet, lifestyle, nature fertility awareness, homeopathy and herbs. And I often get asked about...
by Kathy | Jul 2, 2016 | Perimenoupase and Menopause, Uncategorised
… a.k.a Where Did I Put My Flippin’ Glasses? Are you 40 something or 50 something and can’t remember where the heck you put your specs? Or you turned up to an appointment to find it was yesterday? And recite a whole long list of names...
by Kathy | Jun 2, 2016 | Perimenoupase and Menopause, Uncategorised
“So have a nice day, Have a nice day, Have a nice day, Have a nice day” Any Stereophonics fans recognise that? Love them! And while I wake up every morning determined to make every a nice day, are we always making it a healthy day? Are we protecting our...
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