Sexual Health and Fertility

Sexual Health and Fertility

Today, I’m talking about another pretty tough subject. It’s sexual health.  You know the infections “down below” you need to get checked out at one of those clinics.  Let’s call them GUIs (genito-urinary infections) rather than STDs...


  Hormones or “Upright Breasts Are Dropping and These Flushes Aren’t For Stopping.” NO, I haven’t dusted off my Literature degree to start writing  poetry.  This verse is by poet Hazel Connelly. My poetry was never that good. It’s...
A Fertility Friendly Kitchen

A Fertility Friendly Kitchen

Or HOW TO SHOP, COOK AND STORE FOOD… I’m always banging on about eating a varied diet of nourishing foods to protect and fire up fertility. I know I do. But did you know, that what you buy, how you cook it and how you store it is important too? NO? Well...
Being Stuck Sucks

Being Stuck Sucks

Being Stuck Sucks is a guest blog by the super-amazing teacher and coach on practical spirituality – Kate Spencer. Kate is also a highly successful author best known for the Twelve Lessons series.  Must reads! I’m very grateful to have her write a piece...
Biological Clock. The Story Of Mine.

Biological Clock. The Story Of Mine.

  This is MY story of my biological clock ticking. Let’s start by making it clear. I don’t have any kids. Or rather WE don’t have any kids.  Mr P and I. We’ve been happily married over 10 years. We’ve travelled to some wonderful...