Immunity – Your Cold Could Be Linked To Hormones

Immunity – Your Cold Could Be Linked To Hormones

  Totally fed up with being a Phlegm Wad? Thinking of buying shares in Kleenex tissues or – worse still – toilet roll? So you catch every cough, cold, bug and lurgy going, eh? Low immune system? You’re blaming everything from your off-the-scale...
What is a Fertility Friendly Diet?

What is a Fertility Friendly Diet?

  Fertility Friendly Diet – Not Just for Baby-Making. I could write a book on preparing to try for a baby and eating for fertility and hormone health (one day!).  And when I’m talking about a fertility friendly diet, don’t switch off if...
Totally HOT in Bed? 6 Tips To Reduce Night Sweats

Totally HOT in Bed? 6 Tips To Reduce Night Sweats

Totally Hot in Bed? Well ARE you? I don’t mean are you a Sexy Siren or Saucy Seductress. NO.  That’s so not what I mean. I mean, do you feel really hot at night?  Do you get all icky and sticky? Throw off the covers or shove your feet out of the bed? Your...