by Kathy | Jul 14, 2016 | Fertility
This is MY story of my biological clock ticking. Let’s start by making it clear. I don’t have any kids. Or rather WE don’t have any kids. Mr P and I. We’ve been happily married over 10 years. We’ve travelled to some wonderful...
by Kathy | Jul 8, 2016 | Perimenoupase and Menopause, Uncategorised
Mother Nature is wonderful. I believe in starting with natural remedies for many health problems, especially the minor ones. My own toolkit and training is based around diet, lifestyle, nature fertility awareness, homeopathy and herbs. And I often get asked about...
by Kathy | Jul 2, 2016 | Perimenoupase and Menopause, Uncategorised
… a.k.a Where Did I Put My Flippin’ Glasses? Are you 40 something or 50 something and can’t remember where the heck you put your specs? Or you turned up to an appointment to find it was yesterday? And recite a whole long list of names...
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